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How it works

what is psychodynamic hypnotherapy?


Psychodynamic hypnotherapy is a client-focused approach that combines psychodynamic, humanistic, transpersonal and cognitive disciplines and related techniques together with the use of hypnosis.


Unlike standard solution-focussed hypnotherapy, psychodynamic hypnotherapy enables us to expose and work through what lies behind limiting thought patterns, unwanted reactions and negative self-beliefs that have developed as a result of trauma, often brought on during childhood.


why do unwanted behaviours arise? 


When we experience a traumatic event, however great or small, our brains can file it away in the limbic system – the part that holds repressed feelings, emotions and memories and is responsible for the fight-flight-fear response. This is especially true of children, whose brains are not developed enough to be able to effectively process such information.


These repressed memories can cause emotional blocks and symptomatic patterning, with issues such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, phobias and OCD occurring in later life.


the process


Hypnotherapy allows us access the unconscious mind through deep relaxation and guided visualisation. It is in this state that we are able to untangle the thoughts and memories that reside there by saying whatever it is that comes into our heads (free association), ‘refiling’ them to the conscious part of the brain, where they can be processed as a normal memory.


There is a common misconception with hypnotherapy that you will lose control; this is never the case. Your mind is very good at protecting itself and only goes where it wants to go – all within a safe, positive environment and with the gentle support of the hypnotherapist.


Why psychodynamic? 


The psychodynamic approach is unique in that we look at the whole picture, taking a tailored approach  to each individual. Talking therapy is an important part of the psychodynamic process – it is only by getting to really know the individual, their fears, history and background in every session that each subsequent hypnosis can be tailored specifically to them and the healing process can begin.

How it works
Qualifications & Testimonials

Qualifications & Testimonials

- Practising Certificate as the Diploma in Analytical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy (designatory initials DAHP):  Assessed and validated by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC) and endorsed by Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists (ACCPH) as a level 5 diploma course and UK Hypnotherapy Council (UKHC)


- Continuing Professional Development course completed in Hypnotherapy for Chronic Pain


- BA Honours Degree in American and English Literature


Bea is amazingly intuitive, she has a natural talent and can bring about extraordinary healing through her sessions. She can gently access, and guide you through your subconscious to bring healing and light into your heart.


Bea has a very calming presence and a real intuition and empathy that made me feel completely at ease. I found our session to be relaxing, eye-opening, insightful and incredibly helpful.

I saw Bea while I was pregnant when I was feeling anxious about the baby arriving. The session was  relaxing and I left feeling reassured that everything would be fine and with a newfound acceptance that it was okay to accept help from others.




I have always had an interest in what makes people the way they are.


During my early career in journalism,  I was drawn to the human interaction, communication and investigation that came with the job. My passion for travelling reflects this innate curiosity and I find people and the workings of the mind endlessly fascinating.


I decided to train as a psychodynamic hypnotherapist because I have witnessed first hand its profound healing power. This kind of therapy enables us to get right to the root of our problems, unearth them and relieve ourselves of painful, debilitating thought patterns and beliefs, often brought on by trauma. Far from being set in our ways, with the right intentions, our ways can be reset.



I specialise in treating fertility-related issues and birth fear and trauma, drawing on my own personal experience and study of the subject.  I am intuitive and compassionate, adopting a creative and sometimes spiritual approach where appropriate.


Life can bring us much pain and darkness, but there is also an abundance of hope, light and beauty around us. Psychodynamic Hypnotherapy has enabled me to see this, and to get a heightened perspective as to why issues arise, and more importantly, how to unravel and work through them. This is why I have decided to dedicate my career to helping people do the same.

"Far from being set in our ways, with the right intentions, our ways can be reset"

Treatments & Fees

hypnotherapy can help with...

Low self esteem
Anger issues
Psychosomatic pain
Post-traumatic stress
Grief & bereavement
Sleep disturbances
Weight management
Relationship difficulties

Obsessive & compulsive tendencies

Birth fear

Birth trauma

Eating & digestive disorders

Stuttering & stammering

Childhood abuse & abandonment

Rape & sexual assault

Alcohol dependency & addictions

What to expect


After an initial free 20-minute phone consultation where we can discuss the process, and providing we are the right fit for each other, I would book you in for your first 90-minute session. Most of this would involve getting to know you and your background but we may have time for an introductory hypnosis too. Thereafter, sessions are one hour long and always comprise talking therapy followed by hypnosis. Hypnosis is simply a state of deep relaxation, brought on by guided meditation, where you are able to access your subconscious thoughts.  


Each session is different and tailored to whatever you would like to look at at the time. Your treatment plan is personal to you; you may need just a few sessions or ongoing therapy, it really depends on the person.


Sessions are conducted online via Zoom. Therefore you will need a computer or tablet with a strong internet connection in a room with no distractions and a comfortable place to recline. 



As I am newly qualified and to reflect the current climate, I am running a limited period introductory offer with the first session priced at £30, followed by sessions of £55 thereafter. 

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